
Kidd Bolt Matte Black

Kidd Bolt Matte Black



SKU 12058 Category: Tags , , , , , ,
Parts / Accessories / Everything Else

3 in stock


The KIDD bolt comes complete with our pinned aftermarket firing pin and our extractor.  Proper headspace allows the bullet to feed properly and the correct firing pin protrusion guarantees that there is not too much or too little firing pin contact with the rim of the case.  This bolt is a flawless match for any KIDD .22lr receiver without modification.  You can also use it to upgrade a factory 10/22® style receiver.
bolt with firing pin and extractor installed
Matte bolts: 6.5 oz.
Scalloped bolts: 6.4 oz
  • Aftermarket KIDD .22lr bolt to drop into a 10/22® style receiver
  • CNC Machined steel from billet
  • Proper head spacing and firing pin protrusion
  • Hardened for durability
  • “pinned” firing pin for consistent ignition
  • Radiused and polished for improved cycling
  • Includes our firing pin and extractor