
Sprinco Orange Buffer Spring

Sprinco Orange Buffer Spring



8 in stock


Extra Extra Power Buffer Spring. The Orange spring is much stouter than the Red spring. The Orange buffer spring was originally engineered for the demands presented by.308 / 6.5 CM / .260 Rem, etc., heavy BCG carbine DPMS Pattern applications using standard 7″ Depth M4 extension tubes and short 2.5″ buffers (Including aftermarket “heavy buffers”) in robustly gassed 16” – 18” ML gas carbine platforms, but has been proven to be a requirement for tuning over gassed carbines of any equivalent heavy calibers in AR-10 pattern tubes with 3.25″ buffers or lesser calibers (5.56, etc.). Color Coded ORANGE.

Don’t clip coils from any of our other buffer springs in order to yield a lighter spring load for DPMS pattern applications. Doing so will result in an unknown spring load and might damage the gun.

NOTES: If your build is yielding a solid 1:30 to 2:00 O’clock ejection trajectory, then start with an Orange spring and tune it with the buffer weight. Empirical evidence has shown a heavier spring and lighter buffer produces better performance than a lighter spring and heavier buffer.


  • ASTM Grade A877 Certified Valve Quality Chrome silicon Wirestock
  • Heat Treated, Stress Relieved and Dual Stage Shot-Peened post winding (Our springs really ARE shot-peened)
  • Impregnation / Plating with Re-Micronized Molybdenum Disulfide formulation
  • Hard plastic tube packaging for protected transport and easy storage (Tubes make great storage compartments for all sorts of gear)
  • Optional Cryogenic Processing Available (Select Item 26001)


  • Increased “lock time” for faster sight recovery and platform stability
  • Consistent spring pressure throughout the duty cycle of the spring, resulting in fewer malfunctions related to spring operation (Especially Type III malfunctions)
  • Improved & consistent cyclic operation. Spring will not change performance for many hundreds of thousands of rounds
  • Greater resistance to heat induced performance degradation
  • Reduced cyclic rate with Enhanced or Extra Power springs and reduce / eliminate bolt bounce with optimal spring / buffer weight selection
  • Reduced operating cost as replacement springs are not needed during the life of your upper receiver assembly. Less downtime and fewer trips to the armorer for spring replacement, in fact, this will most likely be the only buffer spring you will ever need for the duty cycle of your carbine or rifle!
  • Correct spring selection works reliably, consistently, and virtually indefinitely in all properly built and maintained AR platforms